exercise for parlysis patient


Paralysis will be caused due to various reasons, and the most common reasons are

  • Injury to the spinal cord or head,
  • Stroke, and
  • Multiple sclerosis.
Regular exercising can help the patient cope better and also improve overall health. Here are some exercises that will be especially good for patients who have suffered a stroke and are experiencing loss of movement on one or both sides. The following paralysis exercises are also very useful for improving muscle function in the lower body, especially around the legs.

Even though a person suffering from paralysis loses the ability to move in certain parts of the body, it is crucial to have some or other form of regular exercise. The biggest benefit of exercise is that it will help to maintain and improve blood circulation and also strengthen the affected muscles. It will also help you regain balance and motor skills in the affected areas.


High blood pressure is the major cause of stroke. Extremely elevated blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the brain. Making a few changes to your lifestyle can help a lot to lower blood pressure or keep it under control.

There are two types of stroke-

  • Ischemic stroke
  •  Hemorrhagic.

An ischemic stroke happens when a blood vessel becomes blocked, usually by a blood clot and a portion of the brain becomes contains oxygen, resulting in decreased functioning of the brain. Brain hemorrhages occur when an artery in the brain bursts. High blood pressure can lead to stroke by damaging and weakening your brain’s blood vessels.

Sometimes people can lower down high blood pressure by making simple lifestyle changes, but you may also need to take medications as advised by our ayurvedic doctors. Reducing the amount of salt you eat is one of the most important habits that you can perform to reduce your blood pressure. All paralysis patients are highly advised to take a low- salt diet.

PC6 is an important acupressure point to control blood pressure naturally. Found at the distance of three finger width from the wrist crease on the inner forearm. This point is activated by applying pressure using the thumb.

LI 4 is another useful acupressure point situated in the webbing between the forefinger and the thumb. Repeat the massage treatment 10-12 times during the day.

 Various Exercises For Paralysis Patients


Easy balance and walking exercises helps to improve coordination and strength in patient legs. A patient must practice moving and walking regularly. Recovery in paralysis depends on the patient’s medical condition and cause of paralysis. Exercises help to reconnect the brain with muscles and patient regains muscle movement.

Walking in paralysis patients are:

  1. Dragging
  2. Stamping
  3. Outward walking

Walking is very important in paralysis patients and affected walking should not stop the walking of a patient. But daily exercises are to be performed to cure the patient.

#walking exercise for paralysis patients:

  1. Normal walking
  2. Toe to toe walking (patient can walk with the help of a wall)
  3. Backward walking


  1. Perform leg exercise, using chair or table. Hold the chair from the normal body side and lift the legs sideward of the affected part.
  2. Leg Raisemean raising legs one by one. Instruct the patient left, right, left, right to raise their legs.
  3. Foam piece, Stand on foam piece of around 2 ft. and try to balance on it.
  4. Foam piece, Stand on foam piece of around 2 ft. and try to balance on it.
  5. Take the support of a tableon the normal side and then raise affected legs slowly sideward.
  6. Fold your knee upward tostretchthe legs.
  7. Move your legs forward and backwardone by one. It helps in opening the muscles.
  8. Take support of the wall and sit and standslowly with your back touching the wall.
  9. Put rubber band inside yourfoot arch, it helps to stretches the leg muscle.
  10. With the help of an assistant, lifts the leg of the patient and provide support to him.


  1. While lying down on the bed, lift your hips up as shown in the video for 10 seconds with the help of your palms. Repeat it 5 times.
  2. Lie on your back and bent knees. Move both legs to the left and then to the right across your body. Repeat this 30 times.
  3. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Roll your bent left knee to one side and switch legs.


  1. Lift your legs and rest them on a gym ball. Place the bottom of your foot on the gym ball and push your hips off the floor. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Lie on one side and slightly bend both the legs. Now spread knee apart lifting upper knee towards ceiling. Repeat 30 times.
  3. Change your position and sit like a crawling child. Then lift your right hand and left leg together and then switch.


  1. Gym ball exercise – Lie on the floor keeping your legs on the ball and your hands above your head then lift your hip and hold your body for few seconds.
  1. Lie down from the side of your stomach and raise your legs and arms together and hold the pose.


The major cause of paralysis is brain stroke and it occurs when blood supply to the brain is interrupted by infarct or brain hemorrhage. These are two types of strokes which are caused by a blockage or clot in a blood vessel in your brain. Repetition is beneficial for all paralysis patients to regain muscle movement, strength, and coordination.

An easy and simple basic level arm exercises for paralysis patients:

You will need: Table

# Inner Arm Stretches
Keep your palm down on the table and allow your wrist to rotate so that fingers point towards your body. Hold onto 30 this position for 30 seconds.


There are easy and simple wrist and finger exercises for paralysis patients. These exercises can be performed using simple objects such as pens, coins, and water bottles. To bring back full control of your hands to grasp and release objects, you need to repeatedly perform these exercises. While recovery from paralysis or stroke, you need to repeatedly move your affected hand so that the brain starts reconnecting to the muscle. Here are a few of the best exercises for improving muscle function in the affected hand:


  1. Hold the water bottle in the affected hand and slowly support the affected hand with the unaffected hand. Gently bend your wrist forward. Do keep the elbow glued to your side. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Gently bend your wrist backward and keep supporting the affected hand with the unaffected hand. You can also us smiley ball or light dumbbells.
  3. Allow your wrists to rotate fully at 360 degrees.
  4. Hold the water bottle in your hand and place the affected hand on the table. Curl up your fingers and grasp the bottle in your hand and release back down.
  5. Use your thumb and index finger to hold the pen in place and put the pen down on the table.
  6. To improve fine motor skills, hold the coin between your thumb and fingers and practice stalking coins on top of each other.
  7. Spin a pen between your fingers.


These shoulder exercises for paralysis patients will be highly beneficial for those who want to improve strength and ability to move freely. Patients with little or no movement in the shoulder can practice these exercises once in a day and can increase the range of motion in the shoulders. A lot of patients experience shoulder drop in the first six months after paralysis.


  1. Towel slide

Sit down on the chair in front of the table. Fold the towel in the middle of the table. Place your both hands on the towel and slide the towel away from you.

  1. Shoulder Shrug

Make sure you stand tall and lift your affected shoulder to the ears. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

  1. TABLE

Again put the table in front of you and place both hands on the folded towel, now move both of your hands on the table from side to side.

  1. Stand straight

Hold the walking stick with both hands in front of your body. And move the stick sideways swinging.


Simple hand, wrist, fingers, elbow, shoulder and arm exercise helps to prevent muscle stiffness, improve fine motor skills, hand function, coordination and brings back hand strength. If a person is beginning with little hand movement, then these exercises are best to start.

These are easy and simple hand exercises that you can easily add up in your paralysis recovery routine. Exercises that are shown in standing, sitting or seated patients can be easily adapted according to the patient’s need. These exercises may be performed alone and may require some assistance.

Things you need:

  • Smiley ball
  • Towel
  • Neuro M Massage oil,
  • Elastic band
  • Table/chair
  • Rubber band
  • Hand strengthener
  • Hand & Piano Grip
  • Stacking Rings Baby Toy
  1. Seated exercise of hand with the smiley ball

Patients should perform exercises depending upon the stage of recovery. Practice these exercises the number of times you can. It is a best way to improve strength in paralysis patients.

  1. Arm exercise with elastic band and towel

With the help of a towel, elastic band, and Neuro M Massage oil, you can perform these exercises to regain movement in your hand and arm. Practice exercises regularly along with ayurvedic medicines which will ensure faster results.

  1. Shoulder stretching exercises

Effective shoulder stretching exercises at home improves strength, control, and ability in your shoulder and continues recovery and progress in paralysis patients. 

  1. Exercise for fingers using a rubber band and hand strengthener

Improve finger strength and movement in paralysis by performing these exercises. Increase grip strength and get relief from stiffness using Hand Strengthener and Hand & Piano Grip. These devices are very affordable and will strengthen your finger muscles.

                                                                6. SPEECH THERAPY

The speech therapy will help all paralysis patients in speaking and understanding speech. Singing therapy is beneficial for all paralysis patients to gain the ability to speak again. You can start by singing something and gradually you will regain the ability to speak those sentences normally.


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