
Hemiplegia Paralysis

Hemiplegia is a disabling disorder recognized by Paralysis on one side of the body caused by brain damage or spinal cord injury.

It causes muscle weakness, muscle control restrictions, and muscle stiffness. The severity of this type of Paralysis varies according to the location and nature of the injury.

Hemiplegia can be transitory (temporary) or permanent, depending on whatever the cause is. Some of these causes are curable or even reversible if treated promptly.

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Signs and Symptoms directing to Hemiplegia

Hemiplegia can show its impact on either the left or right side. The damaged side of the brain creates symptoms on the opposing side of the body.

Depending on the degree and nature of Hemiplegia, people may have various symptoms. Paralysis doesn’t identify its victims by age – it can occur in adults and children alike.

And kids with Hemiplegia may or may not take more time to reach all the developmental milestones than their classmates and friends.

Not just that, they play with only one hand or hold one hand in a fist in the aftermath of the disease. Here are a few signs and symptoms that patients and their loved ones must be aware of:

  • One-sided muscle weakness or stiffness
  • Muscle spasticity or permanently tensed muscle
  • Inadequate motor skills (movement abilities)
  • Difficulty walking and weak balance
  • Difficulty in making a solid grip

And now, because the disease originates in the brain, it can leave behind some mental health complications that can be identified from the enlisted signs:

  • Sudden seizures
  • Loss of memory or spaced memory
  • Concentration obstacles
  • Changes in general behavior
  • Slurred speech
Hemiplegia Paralysis Causes

Hemiplegia occurs as a result of difficulties with the central nervous system (renowned as CNS). The brain and spinal cord are the two primary components of the central nervous system. Hemiplegia can be caused by a variety of conditions and events. Among them, enlisted are a few common causes:

  • Strokes are sometimes known as Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs)
  • Injuries sustained during birth or early childhood
  • Aneurysms and haemorrhages in the brain
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) and concussions
  • Bleeding between the layers of the brain (subdural hematomas or subarachnoid haemorrhages) or between the skull and the outer membrane of the brain (epidural hematomas)
  • Injuries to the spinal cord
  • Childhood alternating Hemiplegia – a congenital condition (something you have from birth)
  • Epilepsy and seizures
  • Migraine headaches (known as hemiplegic migraines when accompanied by Hemiplegia)
  • Tumors of the brain (cancer included.)
  • Nervous system illnesses, particularly autoimmune and inflammatory ailments
  • Infections of the neurological system, such as encephalitis, meningitis, or Ramsay Hunt syndrome
Time for medical help with “FAST”

Hemiplegia is a significant symptom of a brain stroke, a potentially fatal medical emergency. Remember to think “FAST” while recognizing the stroke symptoms (if any):

  • F – This indicates ‘face’. Request that the affected person smile. Look for any kind of drooping on either sides of the face, directing towards Paralysis (facial Hemiplegia) or any other muscle weakness.
  • A –The letter A stands for ‘arm’. A victim of brain stroke frequently develops muscle weakness and stiffness or Paralysis on one side. Request that they raise their arms. If they develop any new weakness or motor inability, one arm will remain higher while the other is comparatively low or does not rise.
  • S –The letter S stands for ‘speaking’. Strokes frequently cause people to lose their ability to talk. They may slur their speech, struggle to find the correct words, or cannot get words out of their mouth.
  • T –The letter T stands for ‘time’. It’s just a warning and a reminder that time is of the essence, so do not put off seeking assistance! Look at the time and try to remember when the symptoms begin. Telling a healthcare provider when the symptoms began will help them determine which therapy options are best and start the treatment immediately.
SRIAAS Ayurvedic Treatment for Hemiplegia

Food is believed to be a significant player in preventing and curing diseases. And therefore, when a patient comes to us, we first suggest and help them with a customized diet plan. It helps patients attain all the necessary nutrients that can help with brain and muscle strength. However, other than that, given below is a list of the SRIAAS Ayurvedic treatment aspects:

  • Physical therapy (PT) can help to maintain or enhance the affected limb’s strength, flexibility, and mobility. Stretching, exercises, and massage are all methods for stimulating muscles and nerves.
  • Occupational therapy (OT) offers a variety of skills to help people with everyday chores, including dressing, bathing, and cooking.
  • Assistive devices or gadgets can aid with daily activities with walkers, wheelchairs, specialized grips and handles, and voice-activated devices, designed with exclusive features.
  • Medications can help with some of the symptoms of Monoplegic Paralysis. Pain relievers and muscle relaxants are two examples of medications used to treat muscle stiffness or spasms.
Is Hemiplegia permanent?

It is believed that there is no cure for Paralysis, even Monoplegia. But SRIAAS believes that the treatment for the disease primarily focuses on alleviating the aftermath while enhancing quality of life, and walking through the steps of recovery. And so, it is critical to address the underlying cause of Monoplegia. Here are the most trusted Ayurvedic treatment possibilities we offer in a combination of diet, exercises and medicine:

  • Physical therapy (PT) can assist maintain or improve strength, flexibility, and mobility in the affected limb. Stretching, exercises, and massage can all assist to stimulate muscles and nerves.
  • Occupational therapy (OT) teaches many strategies to make everyday tasks such as dressing, bathing, and cooking simpler.
  • Assistive gadgets or devices can help with daily activities. Walkers, wheelchairs, specialized grips and handles, and voice-activated gadgets are a few examples.
  • Medications may help alleviate some of the symptoms of Monoplegic Paralysis. Examples include pain relievers and muscle relaxants to treat muscle stiffness or spasms.
Some post-treatment tips

The post-treatment instructions are quite crucial in a patient’s rehabilitation. In the vast majority of cases, a patient who strictly adheres to these protocols prevent the disease from recurring in the future. Post-treatment guidelines are referred to as a series of tasks described by the doctor/s to assist patients in remaining healthy after their treatment is completed. After the therapy for Monoplegia, the patient should follow the enlisted guidelines:

  • Some dietary changes must be made for the patient, such as adding foods high in fatty acids to the diet to reduce muscle inflammation (if that’s doctor recommended).
  • Vitamin B12 must be taken by a patient, either through prescription or through food items high in Vitamin B12, as it aids in the enhancement of nervous system function.
  • The exercise regimen should not be abruptly terminated rather, a patient must continue to exercise even after the treatment is completed and recovery has been achieved.

The reading sections above has been carefully placed under particular subject lines to help you understand what Monoplegia refers to and how you can treat it in the long run. For centuries, it was believed that no practice or medication can help in curing Paralysis. But our team at SRIAAS has been working towards making that belief extinct.

Monoplegia is among the four types of Paralysis that we provide treatment for, and we have collected some great success stories over time. Our Ayurvedic approach doesn’t have any side effects and helps in keeping patients healthier. We hope this exclusive read can help you self diagnose the disease, if and when needed, and then get the right treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine from India that focuses on balancing the body's energies (doshas) through natural remedies, diet, and lifestyle practices.

Ayurveda emphasizes holistic and preventive care, using natural treatments to address the root cause of diseases, while modern medicine often focuses on treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals and surgery.

Yes, Ayurveda can complement conventional treatments. It is important to consult with both your Ayurvedic practitioner and your primary healthcare provider to ensure safe and coordinated care.

Ayurveda can treat a wide range of conditions, including digestive disorders, skin diseases, respiratory issues, stress, and chronic illnesses like arthritis and diabetes.

Generally, Ayurveda is safe when practiced by a qualified practitioner. However, it's important to discuss your health conditions and any current medications with your practitioner before starting treatment.
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