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Ayurvedic Proteinuria Treatment and Medicine
April 12, 2023 No Comments
Ayurvedic Proteinuria Treatment and Medicine

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What is Proteinuria

The basic definition of proteinuria is protein loss in urine. Protein is the building block of our bodies, and it is present in the blood and kidneys filter only the tiny particles of protein in the urine to keep the balance of chemicals in the body.

But, proteinuria occurs when the protein is present in mass quantity in the urine, and it is not normal. This particular condition depicts that the kidneys have stopped working efficiently.

Protein in urine is a condition that arises as a complication of chronic diseases, which can impair the normal functioning of the kidneys. In some cases, these diseases can even progress to end-stage kidney failure.

How ayurvedic treatment helps to reduce Proteinuria

There are tons of medicines and treatments for every known disease. But do we really know what the best treatment for our body is? Well, speaking with an experience, then, one should opt for such a treatment that has no side effects on the body and can eliminate the threat completely.

As you have read the title, we are going to discuss the “Proteinuria” disease in this article. Many of us don’t know about many diseases, and a lack of information might lead to severe damage to our bodies. We have covered various topics regarding proteinuria, its symptoms, causes, and all the possible treatment for this disease.

Types of protein cause urinary protein loss

Our blood contains many different types of proteins that contribute to overall health and wellbeing, but the two main types are albumin and globulins. Albumin, which makes up roughly 50% of all serum proteins, plays a critical role beyond maintaining muscle health, as with other proteins. It also assists the body with various regulatory functions, which may include:

  • Preventing swelling of the body.
  • Maintaining proper balance of fluids and electrolytes in the circulatory system.
  • Acting as a transportation mechanism.

What is the significance of measuring urine albumin

Measuring urine albumin is a crucial aspect to consider because:

  • If an individual has kidney disease,
  • Monitoring urine albumin levels is essential to track the progression of the disease.

What are the causes of Proteinuria

There are various causes associated with the occurrence of proteinuria, which include:

  • Diseases related to the kidney’s filtering units, for example, Glomerulonephritis.
  • You can also look for other symptoms like cystitis or urinary tract infections because they can also be the causes of proteinuria.
  • It can also happen due to other diseases and conditions like heart failure first warning of eclampsia in pregnancy.
  • With strenuous activity or when you have a high temperature (fever), temporary proteinuria could happen.
  • Proteinuria in children can be found later in the day but not in the morning. It is usually not harmful and is referred to as orthostatic proteinuria.

Are there any signs and symptoms of Proteinuria

  • Usually, there are no symptoms of proteinuria.
  • If the protein loss is heavy, the urine has a frothy appearance and would most likely be associated with other symptoms, e.g., edema.
Types of Proteinuria
Transient Proteinuria It is a temporary condition where protein is present in the urine in higher levels than normal, but the condition goes away on its own without any treatment. This can be caused by factors such as fever, strenuous exercise, dehydration, stress, and certain medications. It is usually not a cause for concern unless it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms.
Orthostatic Proteinuria It is a condition in which protein is present in the urine in higher levels than normal, but only when the individual is upright or standing. When the individual is lying down, the protein levels return to normal. This condition is usually benign and not a cause for concern, especially if the individual is otherwise healthy and does not have any other symptoms of kidney disease. However, in some cases, further evaluation and monitoring may be necessary to rule out underlying conditions.
Persistent Proteinuria It is a condition where protein is consistently present in the urine in higher levels than normal, over an extended period of time, typically several weeks or more. This can be a sign of an underlying condition or disease affecting the kidneys, such as diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, or other kidney disorders. Persistent proteinuria requires further evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment to address the underlying cause and prevent further kidney damage.

How is Proteinuria diagnosed

Proteinuria can be diagnosed through various methods, including:

  1. Urine dipstick test: This is a quick and easy test that can be done in a doctor’s office. A dipstick is inserted into a urine sample, and it changes color if protein is present.
  2. 24-hour urine collection: This involves collecting all urine passed during a 24-hour period and measuring the total amount of protein in the sample.
  3. Spot urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio: This is a test that measures the ratio of albumin to creatinine in a single urine sample. It can help detect smaller amounts of protein that may not show up on a dipstick test.
  4. Blood tests: Blood tests can help determine the underlying cause of proteinuria, such as kidney disease or diabetes.
  5. Imaging tests: Tests such as ultrasound or CT scans may be done to check the kidneys for abnormalities.

The specific tests used to diagnose proteinuria may vary depending on the individual’s symptoms and medical history.

Diet tips to lower protein levels in urine (Proteinuria)

  • Increasing the amount of barley in your diet helps to dry up extra fat.
  • With the combination of turmeric and cinnamon, one can benefit from early-stage diabetes, which also causes proteinuria.
  • Mix honey with Ayurvedic plants such as gokshura, gudmar, triphala, musta, cardamom, fenugreek, or coriander.
  • Add more grains such as rice, millet, and wheat to your diet.
  • Pulses, including green gram, horse gram, and adhaki (arahar), are beneficial for patients with the renal illness.
  • Green banana, chaulee, dwarf copperleaf (matsyakhshi), methi (fenugreek leaves), bitter gourd, Parawal, Kunduru, and Lauki are a few examples of vegetables that can be consumed, along with bitter and astringent leafy vegetables.
  • Include low-sugar fruits like papaya, orange, watermelon, apple, jambu, kapitha, amla, and other fruits.
  • Oils from soybeans, nuts, and mustard might be advantageous.
  • On an empty stomach, karela juice or white pumpkin 20–30 ml may be helpful.
  • Have methi seeds soaked in water overnight on a regular basis.
  • Avoid eating too much urad (black gram), rajma (kidney beans), rice, potatoes, ghee, butter, fat, normal oil, fermented food, alcohol, and other heavy foods.

Can proteinuria be cured by Ayurveda

Ayurvedic kidney care solely uses natural materials and methods from nature. For treating conditions like protein in urine, nephrotic syndrome, and creatinine. Ayurveda is the most effective medicine currently accessible. It is the only treatment of its kind that has the ability to eliminate the illness entirely. It has no side effects, which makes it even more safe than allopathic medicines and any age group can use the ayurvedic practices to get rid from proteinuria and other diseases.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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